woensdag 28 december 2011

Tailor your WebClient UI easily to customer needs with EhP1.

With previous version of the CRM WebClient UI you needed to copy the Skin in order to make it custom specific. This seemed to be very difficult for Interaction Center scenarios. With EhP1 SAP delivered functionality to change the LOGO and LOGO-Text without having knowledge of HTML code and changing SAP Standard. Let me show you.
! Before starting please check if you have the same IMG paths as shown below. If not then you still need to activate the EhP1 switch:
1.   Make a folder for your logo.
When you want to use your own customer logo you first need to create a folder via the Access Skin Workbench. You don't need to copy the complete skin, a folder will do fine. Please note that before you can create a image folder you need to create a BSP (application) first via transaction SE80.
IMG à Customer Relationship Management à UI Framework à UI Framework Definition à Skins and Icons à Access Skin Workbench
2.   After you have created your folder, you will need to upload your Logo. Please make sure that the logo picture is not too big (about 123 x 24 pixels should do the trick) and preferable in PNG format.

3.   When you have uploaded your logo it will look like following:

4.   Next step is to link your logo to a Skin.
IMG à Customer Relationship Management à UI Framework à UI Framework Definition à Skins and Icons à Define Icons
a. Create a new entry ‘CUSTOM_LOGO’ of type ‘Logo’
b. Go to Icon Files (sub entry)
c. Create a new entry:
§  File type: [PNG]
§  Skin: [the standard skin you want to reuse: ‘Nova’ for example]
§  URL: [via the F4 search help you can search for your own logo that you uploaded in the Access Skin Workbench]
§  Save your entry

5.   Now the logo is linked. Before you see it you will have to reset the ICM buffers via transaction SMICM (reset both locally and globally). Next to this your Internet Explorer cookies may need to be cleared.

When starting the CRM WebClient the result will look like:

By using the standard delivered skins it is also possible to change the logo-text via customizing. I have experienced problems with this when you use your own skin, but with the standard skins it is working perfectly.
6.   For changing the logo-text you have to go to your business role and enter a logo text. I have used the standard IC_AGENT role for demonstration.
IMG à Customer Relationship Management à UI Framework à Business Roles à Define Business Role.

After saving the business role and restarting the WebClient, your skin will look like following:
If you are not seeing your logo-text you have to go back to the IMG for icons and execute the following:
IMG à Customer Relationship Management à UI Framework à UI Framework Definition à Skins and Icons à Define Icons
Check ‘Display title’ and enter a text in column ‘Title’ and save this.

Go back in the customizing and remove the title again and save it.

The Icon table ‘WCFC_ICON_TC’ gets updated now and it should work when restarting the WebClient.
Please notice that these repair step needs to be performed in the language which you are using in the CRM system.
Last but not least.. If you really would like to get rid of that wonderful SAP blue (which I like off course!) you can pick a new color via the personalize layout. You can probably find a table where you can set the color for every user ;-)
Good luck!